Friday, November 20, 2009

Missing you Jaz. -_-

    11.11.09---- Hari perpisahan. Hari terakhir bersamamu.   Taat berkhidmat untukku. Bermula Oktober 2005 sehinggalah 11 November 2009.  Sedar x sedar selama 4 tahun lebih menjadi sahabat/teman setia... Tapi kini.. ku terpaksa melepaskn mu.. kerana kau dah tua. dan keinginanku pada yang baru.. hahaha..[ayat jahat].. :D

nk nyanyi skit :D ..[Maafkan akuuu.. menduakan cintamuu.. berat rasa hatikuuu... tinggalkan dirinyaaa.. dan Demi Waktuuu.. yang bergulir disampingmuuu.. maafkanlah dirikuuu.. sepenuh hatimuuu... Seandainya bilaa.. ku bisa memilihhhh.... ] -by ungu-demi waktu.. hehehe:D

Actuly its about my first car. Nighthawk Black Honda Jazz i-DSi 05.  Byk memori dgn kete ni... suka, dan duka...  masa awal2 dpt hujung thun 2005 dlu,. dialah yg membawa ku ke uni. pernah 1 hari tu... dlm 1-2 bulan yg pertama.... masa nk keluar parking.. i tergesel skirting sblh kiri tu.. pastu terjengket tayar kiri belakang... aduhh... malunye mase tu... kebetulan ade member sama class yg nmpk.. msti kene gelak tu...zzzz.. tu la.. coz baru lg.. lom biase ... huhu 

kejadian lain yang dpt ingt.... masa kat highway, hujan lebat.. masa tu nk ke uni juga...  baru je masuk tol.. so msti la accelerate.. gaining speed up to 110kmph. so x lama pastu... tiba2 ade lori tergelincir dari
lorong kiri, trus ke bhgn tgh jalan tu... i was abouve 100ft away... kejadian tu btol2 dpn mata.. so i have to aggresively manouver. Sib baik ade ABS, x dpt mengelak dr accident yg mungkin akan masuk muka depan surat kabar esok sekiranya btol2 brlaku.. huhu.....  berdebar2 mase tu.. kalu i kene la... xtau ape jd.. mgkin mati.. tu pgalaman hampir accident yg paling teruk pernah dialami.. Dialah yg menyelamatkn ku.... 

antara lainnye... semalam dan kelmarin (9.11 & 10.11) kete ini telah membawaku ke tempat yang indah bersama org yg istimewa dihatiku.... [cewaaahhh.. jiwang x?hehe] :D ...kenangan terakhir bersama kete nih... 

 my fav..  registration number kete ni... NBR 8488.  Teringin jgk nk simpan number ni n bw ke kete baru..coz rs cm ade sentimental value and ade kaitan ngn abah... NBR (Nama Bapaku Ramlee.. haha:D)   tp agak leceh prosesnye n costly untuk simpan number.. so never mind la...  in future,.. i wish to find more special numbers.

So lastly, nk dedicate a song to my buddy. alwiz be in my memory.  Goodbye.. ;)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cuti & Diet

haiihhh... dah lama x update... xtau ape nk cite.. pastu plak bz ngn hal2 lain...  now cuti. so leh la sambung blk merekodkn ape2 kenangan dlm 'virtual diary'  ni..  ;)

kalu org xnk baca pn. kte baca sendiri jer la... erm.. kali ni ape pulak nk merepek dlm blog?..

 cuti ni pula xde ke mana2... last two semester breaks ade je destinasi nk dituju... cukup lah tahun ni da brjalan ke kota Jakarta, Bandung, n Singapore... thun dpn la kte plan berjalan melihat dunia.. de sape2 nk join?..  this sem pulak, dok umah kuruskn badan. haha:D

sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ni... selera mkn mmg xle kawal..zzz.. sik nk maaakan je.. pastu sik jmpe mknn best2 plak tu... huhu.. tu yg tau2 je bdn da naik.. jauh beza ngn keadaan time skola dulu. bile member2 skola post pic lama kat fb,.. bru trsedar... so skrg ingt nk kurus balik la..;) ape cara2nye?...

1) mkn mcD selalu.

2) mkn dominos slalu.

3) mkn nandos slalu.

4) mkn nasi briyani slalu.

5) mkn lamb chop slalu.

.... erm... buley x cmni?... sedapnyeee kalu dpt sume di atas....  -_-

bile den nk sedar ni?.... aduh... slalu berazam nk start diet kononnye... tp x menjadi2 jgk..  so start esok. insyaAllah kne wat btol2... makan kne jaga, dan juga bersenam. erm... pagi2 leh aerobic, mlm2 buat disco dlm bilik... dangdut pn wokey ape... gelek tu senaman jgk.. nk bg slim...hahaha :D 

haaa... ckp psl disco n dangdut ni.... bile la ade pluang nk pg clubbing ni?.. aduii.. nape la den xde member2 kaki clubbing... nk gak join.... huhu... teringin nk pg Euphoria. belom kesampaian lg... zzzzzz.. bukan ape.. saje nk merasa keadaan tmpt2 cmtu.. bukan nk wat jahat pn....  ;)

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Demi Waktu........

     Lagu ni.... i really2 like it..... Gila feeling..... menyentuh prasaan.. da lama dgr lagu ni x busan2 gak..

mula minat lagu2 indon after balik dr Bandung dulu.. tah cmne tah. leh terpengaruh. dgr punya dgr, ade yg best tau!!~  byk lagu2 indon ni amik dari shahrul.. kawan mase stay kat bandung dulu.. mase tumpang kat umah die,. transfer la semua lagu2 indon masuk my pendrive. more than 1Gb of songs.... after that da blk msia, mmg tersyok kat lagu2 ungu.... lagu2 ungu yg lain mcm Surgamu, Kekasih Gelapku,... pn best2 jgk!~~ kalu boleh nk post lagu2 ni... but i just pick this one la okey! ;)


  Sedang2 wat blog ni,. tgh dgr gak.,.. lagu ni mengingatkn i pd seseorang..  someone. I xde apa2 hbgn pn dgn die... just kawan biase... dah lama sgt x cntct... kenal pn skit2 jer.. tah cmne, dlm kepala ni da melekat bile dgr lagu ni jer, teringt kat dia... mayb masa first time dgr lagu ni, mgkin tgh terlintas kat gambar die kot... tu yang melekat sampai skrg...  xle la nk sebut nama die dlm blog ni kn... segan lak die nti.... kalu nk tahu sapa,. leh la tanye i... mane tahu anda yg terkena kn.. hahahha:-P

Lyric lagu ni xde ape2 kaitan pn actuly... tp sedap... music pn best!!~ cuba dgr ngn subwoofer ,... meletop smpi ke jantung.. haha.. 

The best time nk feel lagu ni masa kat highway.... malam2. bile x byk kete. psg kuat skit, baru la feel... tp xle laju2... coz kalu laju2, kne lebih tumpuan, so hilang la feel lagu bile da focus too much on drvg.

Lets sing along..~~ ;)

Aku yang tak pernah bisa lupakan dirinya
Yang kini hadir diantara kita
Namun ku juga takkan bisa menepis bayangmu 
Yang slama ini temani hidupku

Maafkan aku menduakan cintamu
Berat rasa hatiku tinggalkan dirinya
Dan demi waktu yang bergulir di sampingmu
Maafkanlah diriku sepenuh hatimu
Seandainya bila ku bisa memilih

Kalau saja waktu itu ku tak jumpa dirinya
Mungkin semua tak kan seperti ini
Dirimu dan dirinya kini ada di hatiku
Membawa aku dalam kehancuran


Sunday, August 02, 2009

PC Fair 09... ~

     LAMA da x tulis bloggg..... zzz. &  Da lama sgt x pg pc fair.... coz all this while cm xde ape nk beli pn... pastu xske nk bersesak2 ngn org ramai kat sana.. nk naik public transport pn payah... This time, dah lama ternanti2 bila la PIKOM PC Fair ni nak diadakan... so, on the last day of July aritu pg pc fair kat KLCC (Convention Center)... pegi ngn ein, jana, mah naik LRT ...

   Sampai je kat sana around kul 4 lebih.. mmg ramai.. sesak sgt... pg survey barang2 IT ni... Plan nk cari external hardisk... ade mcm2 brand tp x decide lg nk beli yang mane.. so round la dulu...  yg 250GB cost more less RM198-210. and 320GB around RM225-248.. kalu bleh nak cari yang 2.5' coz x terlaku bulky.. n senang nk bawa ke mana2..  at first i thought 250GB pn okey la... tp bile fikir blk,... just topup sikit, da buley dpt yg 320GB.. so better go for 320GB.... pastu byk jgk yg 3.5' punya, da main Terabytes da skg.. huhu... ada yg 1TB, 1.4TB, n so on... 

So kalu bleh nk cari yang not too expensive, and ade yg free pouch ke, bgus... hehe. Dpt jgk jumpa booth Buffalo.. b4 this ade buat some readings about this brand... i think its a good choice.. instead of going for Samsung ke,.. Hitachi ke... tu sume mahal skit.. cam paying more for the brand jer...  Buffalo tu, offer 320GB, @rm230.  not bad.. de jgk bg ori pouch.... hehe

Jumpa wireless mouse n keyboard. bleh thn jgk.. x brape mahal..  A4tech.. fikir2 balik,.. bagus jgk kalu ade benda ni..  leh baring2 kat katil, sambil main ngn tenet ni ha..cthnye ym ke, fb ke....hehe..  yg wired punye xle tarik smpi kat katil.... huhu... so beli la 1 set of wireless keyboard n mouse. very happy with it... performance wise is good, semalam mouse terjatuh plak.. waduh.. da cuak da tkut rosak... sib baik xde ape2...zzzz kononnye battery life boleh tahan half a year... kte tgk cmne boleh ke x... ade auto power safe mode. so bile2 x gerak within certain period, it will hibernate n save power. 

after that i bought an external hardisk, Buffalo 2.5' 320GB. ada byk software dlm bnda ni.. leh buat mcm2,.. cthnye, password lock, encryption, turbo usb,.. n some other stuff yg kte x penah terbayang... haha...  tp i dont need all of those... makan space je.. i just need the external hardisk to backup all my files,... univ files, movies, mp3s, pics... n my personal stuff... cukup la utk tu..

Pg kat section Sony... interested ngn PS3 n PSP3000. ingatkn mayb ade la discount sikit but xde offer pn... price same je ngn mane2 sony center...zzzzzz.. xyah la...huhu

Time nk balik,.. sgt sesak... ingatkn nak seinggah maxis center kat mxs tower tu.. jmpe kwn2 sekerja yg lama... fareen, naga, kesh, amir, dan lain2... xtau la diorg still dgn mxs ke x... lama x cntct diorg... tapi hari pn dah lewat,.. bout 930pm cmtu da nk tutup... so i guess nextime je la visit diorg... huhu.. balik naik LRT, back to college, n then drive back home...  sampai umah at around 2315...  ~~

Friday, July 17, 2009

Bee Gees - Alone

One of my fav.....  ;)

Lets sing along...~~~~~~!!!

I was a midnight rider on a cloud of smoke, 
I could make a woman hang on every single stroke, 
I was an iron man, 
I had a master plan, 
but I was alone. 

I could hear you breathing with a sigh of the wind, 
I remember how your body started trembling. 
Oh, what a night it's been 
and for the state I'm in 
I'm still alone. 

And all the wonders made for the Earth, 
and all the hearts in all creation, 
somehow I always end up alone (always end up alone), 
always end up alone. 

So I play (sha la), 
I'll wait (I'll wait) 
'cause you know that love takes time (even love between you and I). 
We came (sha la) so far (so far), 
just the beat of a lonely heart. 
And it's mine, 
I don't want to be alone. 

Well, since I got no message on the answer phone, 
and since you're busy every minute, I just stay at home. 
I make believe you care, 
I feel you everywhere, 
but I'm still alone. 

I'm on a wheel of fortune with a twist of fate 
'cause I know it isn't heaven, is it love or hate. 
Am I the subject of the pain. 
Am I the stranger in the rain. 
I am alone. 

And is there glory there to behold, 
maybe it's my imagination. 
Another story there to be told (oh). 

So I play (sha la), I'll wait (your time), 
and I pray it's not too late (it isn't too late). 
You know we came (sha la) so far (so far), 
just the beat of a lonely heart, 
and it's mine, 
and I don't want to be alone. 

Gone, but not out of sight. 
I'm caught in the rain and there's no one home 
(and I don't wanna be alone). 
Face the heat of the night, 
the one that you love's got a heart that's made of stone 
(and I don't wanna be alone). 

Shine and search for the light 
and sooner or later you'll be cruising on your ocean 
(and I don't want to be alone). 
Shine and clean out of sight 
I'm caught in the rain and there's no one home 
(and I don't want to be alone).

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

1st tag...

Adoiyaii..~~ dah kene tag by atilia......ok xpe,.. layaaaaannnn je :D ~~~
1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah :
bukan jodoh saya

2. Saya sedang mendengar :
bunyi air dlm aquarium

3. Mungkin saya patut:
Lebih bersenam dan jimat cermat. ;)

4. Saya suka :
makan, tido, melancong,   

5.Sahabat-sahabat baik saya :
adalah org2 yang boleh saya percayai... ;) 

6.Saya tak paham :
 kenapa dunia ini tidak adil... huhu

7.Saya kehilangan:
2 ekor japanese koi yang sgt cantik.. :( 

8.Ramai yang berkata :

9.Makna nama saya :
nuclear energy..
hahha.. yolatu:-p 

10.Cinta itu adalah :

11.Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang :

12.Saya akan cuba :
lebih berhati-hati

13.Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud :

14.Telefon bimbit saya :
tgh recharge. 

15.Bila saya terjaga dari tidur :
rasa nak tido balik...:D 

16.Saya paling meluat apabila :
seseorg dah tahu jawapan tapi tanya lagi... zzzz 

17.Pesta/Parti adalah :
 event yang saya nak pg~~

18.Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah :
Bubu rabbitku... :D 

19.Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah :
22. macam2 adaaaaa :D 

20.Hari ini:
takde class 

21.Malam ini saya akan :
tido dan mimpi yang indah2... 

22.Esok pula saya akan :
pg class dari kul 11 pagi smpi 10 mlm... zzz 

23.Saya betul-betul inginkan :
kesihatan yang baik, umur yg pjg, isteri yang .......(ha ni byk... leh bukak topic baru.. so xyah nk cite cni..), carrier yang baik, kebahagiaan hidup, kebebasan kewangan, yeayy~` 

24.Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini :
aduhhh.. makin botak aku...zzzzzz 

25.Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan :
shopping mall... mcm2 adaaa..

26.Makanan Barat atau Jepun :

27.Bilik yang terang atau gelap :

28.Makanan segera adalah :
tidak baik untuk kesihatan... tp nk mkn jgk!!~~:D
haaa ni la problemnya.. berbalik ke soalan #3.. huhu 

29.Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang?
"tgh wat la ni" 

30.Siapa yang anda nak Tag?

p/s: to those yg kene tag, copy da picture and answer all the Qs above...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Singapore 2nd Day~~

15th. Tue--~  pagi tu pg kat Causeway Point  again ngn intan... saje jln2.. x abis round lg... pg mkn, tgk wayang cite Night At the Museum 2... best jgk ~~ nmpk harga lebih kurang je ngn kat msia.. dlm 6-7 dollar.. tapi bile convert RM, jadi tggi plak... huhu.  

da abis cite, jln2.. terbeli toys plak... haha:D... toy tu mcm kepingan-kepingan kayu, cantum2 jadi objek... ade la beli 3 keping... jet fighter, helicopter, n old airplane.  3 keping dlm $10 kalu x silap... da xtau ape lg nk beli as souvenir.. so hentam je la... haha.. ;)

petang tu we all pg Orchard Road... bz, ramai org... jln2 kat area tu,... ada Wisma Atria, Ngee Ann City, Takashimaya,  n mcm2 lg shopping malls along the way.... sume brg2 branded n mahal jer..zzz.  so xyah buang masa.. jalan kejap cuci mata skit dah la... haha...

bila hari da mula gelap,.. we all pg Suntec City Mall..naik mrt n jln  kaki... jauh jgk... but indoors je jln.... pg sana kononnye nk tgk2 electronic stuff.. tp cm xde ape sgt pn... xtau la mayb ade tmpt lain yg lg happening..... nothing to buy pn... rs cm x berbaloi nk spend kat sgpore... kalau nak ape2, baik beli kat msia je... wlupn at that time sgpore tgh mega sale... tp not so attractive... even singaporeans dtg shopping kat msia...zzzz..

time lapar tu, ingtkn nk beli somthin kat supermarket Carrefour... slalunye kat tmpat mknn tu kn,, ade la fried chicken ke,.. roast chicken  ke,.. maybe burger, or ape2 instant yg da siap masak bole mkn trus.. tgh survey2... xdela menyelerakn sgt.. tp da lapar, ingt nk beli je ape2... pastu tiba kat sorg staff melayu tu,... die cm nmpk kitorg tgh tgk mknn.. so die bgtau x halal.. waduh.. sib baik kitorg x beli.... kat sana gov diorg x endah pn ttg mknn halal ke x... yelakn, melayu islam ni minority jer...  -dah terbiasa kat Carefour contohnye kat Midvalley, msti ada section mknn tu kn, kite cam da assume kat Carefour tu sume halal.... rupanye kat sgpore, tidak sama skali... huhu....   at last, x beli ape2 pn... tahan je la lapar nih....zzzz... kat msia ni,.. alhamdulillah stakat ni nmpk terkawal, n gov kte pn titik beratkn soal halal ni... senang nk cari mknn halal kat cni.... kat sgpore, agak susah la... bukan sume leh mkn...kat sushi, or mane2 foreign restaurant pn rasenye x bole... kalu KFC, McD, secret recipe, tu sume bole...;)

 kat Suntec tu, kitorg tiba kat Fountain of Wealth, kononnye largest fountain in the world... mlm2 mmg byk lampu, tu yg buatkn lebih menarik... ramai jgk lepak2 ctu...

dinner we all makan kat kdai mamak.... less than 1 km from home... jalan kaki... i tried cheese nan... lebih kurang je cm kat msia... tp lauk kari kambing die bleh thn...;) erm... kat sana x pggil roti canai... they call it pratha.... sdgkn sama je bnda tu....

mlm kat umah ingt nk tgk movie... bkk la cite Journey to the Center of the Earth.... x sampai half way cite tu, da terlelap.. letih, byk bjln.... but i had a great day with u all ;)... 


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Singapore- 1st day

Sunday. 14.6. ~~Flight kul 845am bound for Singapore.. early morning checkin. from 645am.. pagi tu bangun awal la jgk... sampai je LCCT, lepak2 dulu... breakfast kat McD... ramai jgk pagi2 buta tu.. org tdo kat sana lg.. merempat.. zzz... Checkin kul 7 lebih... 

Cam best  suasana kat airport... sbb tu nk amik flight instead of naik bus... hehe. pastu plak ingatkn leh la jln2 kat Changi Airport...  -Boarding pukul 0815... this time cuba la naik Tiger Airways (TA).. nk tgk cmne... tp last2 cm x best la .... kalu next time nak naik airline tambang murah, better naik AirAsia (AA).. wlupun mahal skit,. tp AA better than TA la.... in terms of service and other stuff.. contohnya mcm menu.. TA x sediakn menu dlm flight.. walaupun ada magazine, tp xde menu.. pelik btol.. susah la org nak beli food & drinks... btol x?.. and then, AA ada mcm2 merchandise.. TA pula xde.. huhu... flight attendent TA okey je.. mcm airline lain jgk.. bleh tahan la peramah... sume FA pn kene cmtu kn... erm. tapi outfit diorg pakai x ngam la...  FA lelaki pakai t-shirt je... Wanita pun sama... x cun la cmtu... tgk cm AirAsia punye FA, lelaki ade pakai mcm blazer..nmpk smart...  wanita pn pki outfit yang cun..nmpk lawa...  baru la nmpk cm org naik flight.. bukannye mcm kat restoran... zzzz..... ni la salah satu tarikn... FA cun.. hahahaha:D [ni ckp psl uniform ek]....

sampai Singapore Budget Terminal sebelum pukul 10am cmtu...  disembark, kene jalan skit, pastu kene gak lalu kat tempat org scan temperature kte... yelakan, skrg musim H1N1... so mane2 airport pn mesti ade heat camera kat tempat arrival .... nmpk cm scary je....zzz.      dah lepas imigresen tu, lepak2 la dlu... tgk2 map Singapore....

then kene amik shuttle bus pg kat Terminal 2... ade free bus service from Budget Terminal to Terminal 2.... diorang kat sana pggl Budget Terminal, kita kat sini panggil Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT)... which 1 sounds nice?... hehe.. its da same.... 

Bus tu sampai kat T2... basement... from T2, kte bole naik MRT (mass rail transit). kte kat Msia ade LRT ..2 coach je... MRT tu besar skit la... and  ade 6 coach.. panjang... da janji ngan Intan tggu kat
Marsiling... jauh tu...  From Changi T2, naik EW line... ke arah Joo Koon... tapi nk stop kat Jurong East untuk tukar ke NS line.. then stop kat Marsiling.... ade few times kene tuka train... transit... but its very simple... xyah keluar stesen pun.. just tuka train, tgk line mana kte nak amik.... then about 1 hour plus, sampailah Marsiling....more than 25 stations..huhu... tempat ni kat area Woodlands.. dekat jgk ngan Tambak Johor...  tambang MRT murah je... dlm $2.00 ... 

sampai kat stesen Marsiling,... still early... dlm tengah ari cmtu... contact la Intan, die on the way... baru abis exam, n dlm perjalanan dari johor... so i still have time to hang around... about half and hour later,... die pun sampai.... akhirnya jmpe  juga :D  Then balik  ke rumah kakaknya... about 10-15 minutes walk from the MRT station. sib baik bawa 1 beg je... 

sampai umah,... rehat2 jap... kenal2 la ngn sume org... mak intan, norin, khairy, hanafi, and sorg budak kecik ni nama daniel.... rehat2 jap kat umah,.. then dlm kul 2-3 cmtu,... norin bawa kitorg kuar  jln2.... naik MRT ke stesen Bugis... kat sana mcm pasar malam jgk la... banyak barang2 murah yang ciplak,... makanan2 yg murah,... baju2, n stuff mcm kat Petaling Street.   jln2 je... x beli ape2 pn... jauh jugak... kene tukar train kat City Hall... ramai org.. mcm kat KL Sentral la lebih kurang...

After jln2 kat Bugis Street, kitorg gerak ke Esplanade.... tempat yang bumbungnye mcm durian tu.... kata org, bumbung tu leh gerak... we all lepak2 kat tepi tasik tu... minum2... borak2... hari pn da petang,.. x panas....  Petang tu,.. balik ke Marsiling naik bus... about 45 mins la.... sampai kat Woodlands Bus Terminal.... pg la jln2 jap kat tmpt shopping namanya Causeway Point.... pg mkn kat food court.. Banquet.. after dat,... kitorg pn blk jln kaki... sampai la umah... mmg letih giler.... from early morning... sampai la mlm... kejap je da lelap.... haha...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

ParFum MaDneSS

  Yesterday,,,.. pg Fragrance Warehouse Sale. kat Subang 3K Hotel.... awal2 pagi da ramai yg beratur tunggu pintu masuk tu buka...  pagi tu,. bgn awal la jgk... kul 8 dah bertolak pg USJ 3, umah cousin, Ina.... die ni la yang pakar psl perfume ni. whole fmly pg.... dlm 45 mins da sampai... laju jgk.. nk cpt, ditekan smpi more than 150kmph... with full passenger capacity.. MADNESSS@!!~~ gile best.. haha. sib baik pagi2 x jam.... ina pesan kene pg sane b4 kul 10am... so kitorang made it quite early.... lepak2 umah jap,.. then baru pg Hotel tu..

At 940am,.. org da beratur pjg... huhu.... Dewan tu cm kecik sgt.... bile dpt masuk je... sesak giler... mmg xde peluang nk testing pn... sume just grab je ape yg ade... masuk dlm plastic, berpuluh2 botol la kitorg grab... org lain pun sama gitu.. grab je ape yg nmpk... 1 jenis pn amik 3-4 botol ... huhu.. pastu da 5 plastic penuh, kitorg pg kat satu sudut,.. tapis la mane perfume yg nak, mane yg xnk.. ni lg 1 maDneSS gak .... haha... x penah org gile2 shopping cmtu...  ingtkn nk amik setakat 2-3 botol cukup la... pegang ngn tangan je... rupenye,.. penuh 5 plastic bag tu... waduh,... 

Lepas da tapis,... ade 4 bags... paklang ade 2 bag,.. lebih 30 botol.... huhu.... abah ade 2 beg, dlm 16 botol ..... mmg  madness.... brand yang best2 cm Dunhill, Hugo Boss, Dolce & Gabbana, Anna Sui, Lacoste, Mont Blanc.....   few brands cmtu je... tp ade byk jenis la... tgh sesak2 tu,,.. ssh nk tgk btol2.. kitorg even x concern sgt pn psl brape volume (mililiter) perfume tu... nmpk cm murah,.. grab je..... ina kata discounts up to 80%... mmg betul la... ade 1 Dunhill i amik,.. bile kira2 harga asal Rm257... ni dpt 70% discount... gile masyukkk. mane nk dpt ori murah gini... haha... 

ini baru sikit je... lom masuk org yg beli borong .... huhu.. gile byk.. berpuluh2 botol,.. tu lagi la madness.... zzzz... beli, pastu nk dijual kat org......

bile blk umah,... kitorg pn agih2 kan la... i chose 4... Mont Blanc Individuel 50ml,.. Dunhill London 100ml,..  Boss Pure 50ml,... n jgk Lacoste Elegance 50ml....   Kebykkn utk lelaki ni eau de toilette... ssh skit nk jmpe yg eau de parfum.... biase org kata yg parfum ni lebih pekat, n xyah pki byk, coz bau kuat n thn lama.... de toilette ni plak,.. kurang skit... xtau la cmne org determine.... any of u readers wanna comment on this?.... u r most welcome.....

im a huge fragrance fanatic.... but not so extreme... i love collecting perfumes n fragrances... but most of it yang i penah ade b4 ni,.. ciplak2 je.. hahaha... de yg beli kat KL sentral,.. kat indon... ciplak2 je.... tp yg 4 baru ni,... ori... so up to today,..
i have a small number of my own collection... at least 13 different types.... 

Looking forward to the next maddness!!~~ ;D

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

^^ My Bunniesss ^^

Ni nak cite bunny2 yang pernah bela... since da first, till the current...

Masa mula bela rabbit, i started with the normal local mixbreed ... typical white rabbit with red eyes...some with grey eyes... easily available at pet shops... 

i started with 3 of them. no name. just to expose myself to taking care for rabbits.    mase dapat awal2, they were about 2 months plus... midsized. not fully grown yet... some people are confused with this breed as they thought these are New Zealand White. but actualy, they're not. yang ini just baka local mixbreed. usually people rare this for the meat... tp masa bela 3 ekor ni, xde la sembelih 'mereka' ni... cian plak.. huhu.. pastu da rs okey, ade pgalaman sikit2 nk bela rabbit, nak cuba pula tukar baka lain.... 

Tapi,... before that i had to let go those 3 yang ade.. .. coz xmo byk2.. nti lg byk keje,... i just wanted only 1 or mayb just a pair... i found sombody who wanted to have those 3 bunnies... then i sold it away...

After few days,.. i bought a new bunny... beli kat Ikano Pet Safari. Toby Pet.
at first, i thought of getting a Dwart Hotot. tapi mase tu xde lg.. susah nk jumpe... kat Beh&Yo pun blom ade stock.. so i decided to buy at Ikano... The eyes were black, and has a black eye band, ears totally black. very well furred, no other black spots on the body... he was adorable.. sgt comel... ni la 1st rabbit beli mase kecik,... n dpt lihat progress die membesar mcm mane... 

Nama die ni Otto... dinamakan sempena ciri2 Hotot [oh-to] yang ade pada die.. Ciri2 Hotot ni, ada eyeband warna hitam kat keliling mata rabbit tu, n badan semua warna putih tanpa ade calit2 atau tompok2 hitam... tapi ni bukan actually Hotot, becoz telinga nye hitam...
So die ni dikira baka Anggora, with Hotot features... i assume and consider it as a mixbreed also..

Sgt comel, n manja.. suke disuap,... suke panjat kat org.. n berani... pastu slalu nmpk die ni binky.. happy sgt die ni bile org teman die mamam.... x notty... toilet trained, very well behaved... 1 thing that i wont forget bout him, is die ni pandai balik sangkar die sendiri bile da waktu maghrib... kdg2, petang, mmg saje bagi die ni kluar main2 kat garden,.. pastu hari dah gelap,.. die akn masuk balik rumah die tanpa disuruh.. n smpi la malam, die xkn keluar lagi wlupn pintu sangkar die terbuka luas... baik btol Ottto ni... hehe;)

After few months having Otto, i  bought a new bunny.. at first, beli bunny tu untuk my fren, Luqman.. tp belom sempat nk deliver kat die,... me n my sis da suka plak kat bunny baru ni...  so after discussing with my fren, he was willing to trade the bunnies.

So, i had to let Otto go...luqman was happy having Otto.  and the new bunny, named Jebit (klaka kn name ni... hehe~~).. stayed with me...  Jebit was about a month when i took him back..

very cute, very fluffy... kinda scared for the first few weeks. but then, he became very friendly.... n nottty.. hehe

  bela dari kecil,.. sampai die ni besar, n matang... 

Bile die da besar, bulunye sgt2 lebat.... best bile belai2 die ni....

tp sbb bulunye lebat sgt,.. jd mcm penyapu da... slalu byk habuk2 n rumput2 kering yang lekat kat die,,, huhu.. tu satu hal.. slalu nk kena sikatkn Jebit ni... He is actuly a crossbreed between Angora and Lionhead... the special thing bout Jebit is that bulu kat kadan die... ade few very aligned brown tones kat body, and then, kat bawah badan die, n kat kaki skit, bulu putih.. macam kucing..  

die ni pun suke disuap... suke panjat2 kaki, minta makanan..... somtimes bile bagi die kluar main2, die suke nk cari jalan escape dari playpen die... notty!!~~.. huhu.. bile die da dewasa, bdn die besar..... somtimes i do miss Jebit. 1 of the rabbit yang plg rapat penah i ade... tp tu la,.. mslhnye die ni perlukan lebih attention, lagi2 pd bulunye yg slalu kene sikat.... at some point, i decide to get more serius in having a pet rabbit... i nak cari yang purebreed.... possibly a Holland Lop or Netherland Dwarf...

I sold Jebit to sombody.... Went to Beh&Yo to look for a Holland Lop at first... but then, attracted to the Netherland Dwarfs... no HL was available at that i was thinking why not try the dwarf type. ND.

so i bought one.... Until now, i still have him... named him Bubu..:D  y?.. because the color is actually blue... so instead of calling Blublu, i named him Bubu... Bubu ni la rabbit yang paling sombong, unfriendly n mahal yg penah i ada... huhu... but i  love Bubu ni.. die  kuat mrajuk... slalu 'mahu tapi malu' punye gaya la...

awal2 dulu, mmg ssh nk bermesra dgn bubu ni... tp lama kelamaan, die okey je... sgt takut dgn org... xtau la mayb dr kck die penah kene abuse ke.. tahla.. mase beli die ni, da umur 5 bulan, da dewasa,.. saiznye tetap kecik cmtu.. dats y its a dwarf breed... this is the 1st purebreed rabbit yg penah i ade... getting more serius now.. haha...

here are some info of Bubu-bucuk~~...: 

Father:  (Chocolate Otter) - Show buck (Chocolate Otter X Broken Blue)
Mother:  (Black) - Breeding doe (Chocolate Otter X Black Otter)
DOB: 8 Nov 2008

Bubu ni baik sbnrnye... cume die terlalu berhati2,.. n takut2... die suke org usap2 pipi die,.. sampai die geli.. pastu telinga die akan 'toiiiingg' naik menegak... tgn die plak naik malu2 kucing gitu.. hehehe.... 

N antara suma2 rabbit penah ada, Bubu la paling senang nak jaga, paling tidak perlu bersihkan sangkar selalu, paling jimat bekalan makanan, n paling special penah ade... :D n paling caaaaaayang Bubu ni... hehe~~

I plan to keep, n take good care of Bubu for a long time... and hopefully, to find him a 'beautiful girlfriend' to live happily and have babies.. haha^^ masih dalam perancangan... hope dapat biakkn purebreed Netherland Dwarf... 

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Terngiang-ngiang Dalam Kepala & Terucap-ucap Di Bibir....~~

Kekasih Yang Tak Dianggap


Aku mentari 
Tapi tak menghangatkan mu 
Aku pelangi 
Tak memberi warna dihidupmu 
Aku sang bulan 
Tak menerangi malammu 
Akulah bintang 
Yang hilang ditelan kegelapan 

Selalu itu yang 
Kau ucapkan padaku 
Sebagai kekasih yang tak dianggap 
Aku hanya bisa mencoba mengalah 
Menahan setiap amarah 

Aku sang bulan 
Tak menerangi malammu 
Akulah bintang 
Yang hilang ditelan kegelapan 

Sebagai kekasih yang tak dianggap 
Aku hanya bisa mencoba mengalah 
Menahan setiap amarah 
Sebagai kekasih yang tak dianggap 
Aku hanya bisa mencoba bersabar 
Ku yakin kau kan berubah


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dead Arowana, Run-Flat Tyres

          Today,... has been a tiring day.... since morning,... macam2 perkara yang tak diduga berlaku... Pagi2 lg, got a phone call from mummy. tanya pasal warning indicator yang menyala kat kereta... ada red colored flat tyre symbol keluar kat screen... and a beeping sound..  apekebenda la ni?...  my mum call nak tanya pasal tu.... my first thought, ada tyre yang lose pressure.... so xyah nak risau sangat, coz those are run flat tyres. xyah tuka pun... Spare tyre pun takde..  most BMW yang Completely Built-Up (CBU) skrg pakai run flat theres no need to have spare tyre yang buat kereta tu berat je...zzzz. the tyres may run flat for about 200 miles.. as long as its below 80km/h.. so drivers will have enough time and distance to go to the nearest tyre service center...

Then,... i found out my silver arowana had jumped out from the pond... alamakkk...zzz.. its already dead... keras da pn.. tp belum jd ikan kering lg la...haha.... -waduh... sedih jgk... coz when i bought it few months back,.. die kecik je... now da almost 1 foot in length. besar jgk bile view from the side...  nasib baik la bukan yang another one yg lagi besar tu... Anyway,.. mmg nature arowana utk melompat dapatkn insect as food. im aware of that... silver arowanas particularly, are great jumpers...  maybe aro tu ade la nampak ape2 insect flew over yang tempting utk dimakan, so die pun lompat, n tanpa dapat dikawal, lompatannye terkeluar dari kolam... huahua...zzzzz...  every morning i check out around the pond kalau2 ada aro yang lompat keluar. rupenya, ada hari ni...zzzz.. nk letak dalam kolam supaya cepat besar, well, thats the risk,... it may jump out any time. this is the second time aro lompat keluar.. last time was a Yellow Tail Arowana... also dead. :( zzzz

Then i planned to go out... to a fish store in town.... i got a parking, but before shutting down my jazz, my mum called again... this time, i have to bring back the bmw, go and pump the tyre.. its quarter flat... i was a little surprised. unfortunately, i have to cancel my actual plan to the fish store (ingt nak survey aro... hehe) ... so i headed to my mums place to bring the car back.. bile tgk tayar tu,...mmg mcm da kurang angin... waduh... ape hal pulak ni... kene paku ke?. or koyak ke?... xkn la den bawak 160km/h semalam, tayar leh jd cmni?... zzzz.. 

Then i took out the manual booklet, tgk2 la skit psl warning indicator ni... bagus juga technology BMW ni... kat mane2 je ade sensor.... Amazing.!~~ even tyres pun ade pressure sensor.. kenapa our local cars not as hi-tech as  German-made cars?...... all these should come standard to any car.....  then i drove the car to the nearest petrol station.. nak cuba pump la kononnya...haha.. unfortunately,... nak pump pun x bole.... zzzz.. da risau da..  apo kono eh jang?.. pastu when driving in a straight line, the steering slowly turing right... huhu... sah mmg ade problem...!!

Then call abah... cemano ni bah?... zzzz.. xtau ape problemnya... then i bw la kereta tu pg kedai tayar yang terdekat.... minta org tu check ape yg x kene dgn tayar depan sebelah kanan ni...  die pn check... and it happend to be,.. valve tu yang koyak skit... huhu... sbb tu tyre  lose pressure... so die pn tuka je valve tu... it cost just Rm5.... nasib baik la..... mula2, ingtkn problem besar,.. brape ratus la pulak ni nak melayang... huhu... orang tu pun da geleng je kepala bile tgk run-flat tyres... die kata harga jauh beza ngn tayar biase....  kitorg pun borak2 la pasal tayar ni.... die ade brand Michelin, Bridgestone, tp yang bukan run-flat... cost about RM310-430 untuk 1 biji... of coz Michelin tu lg mahal... when asked bout run-flat tyres, 1 biji about a thousand plus.... gilo...!!`huhu

In the car menu, i initialized the new tyre  pressure, and the tyre warning indicator has gone off... hiuuh... Then i came back home, feeling a little happy coz it wasn't a big problem... but somthing worries me... dat guy said, all 4 tyres may not last long coz dah sampai at minimum thread level... so, its recommended to change all four tyres.... pulak dah.... huhuhu...

lepas tu, den merayap la kejap ngn kereta tu.. hehe... pegi kedai ikan jap kat S2, dekat ngn umah... beli mealworm, superworm, lipan, n udang kecik. semuanye untuk pearl arowana(jardni) yang ada dalam bilikku..hehe... lipan arini nmpak besar.. lbh kurang sejengkal. tu rm3. then mealworm 1 cup  rm1, then superworm 18 ekor rm1, udang pulak 1 cup rm1... mewah benor  makanan aro tu...zzzz.. kne control diet die nk bg color cantik... orang kata, bg makan lipan, lagi naik color.. xtau la btol x... tu yg nak try tu... haha...

pastu, petang tu call auto bavaria sungei besi.. tanye bole x tuka tayar kat sane..... rupenya bole... ingtkn auto bavaria buat servicing jer....  the same brand, model and size cost RM 1148 a piece...times four is around 4600.. tu belum masuk pulak alignment and balancing...waduh... cekik darah tol a.bvria nih.... kene gak tambah few hundred lg tuh.

then, afternoon kluar ngn parents pg survey2 kedai tayar... pg few places.. byk kedai yang xde run-flat tyres... mayb market kat seremban ni x byk org guna kot... huhu... kat authorised dealer Michelin pun ade pegi... inquired the same size, and model dengan yang currently using now... 205/55/R16.  Michelin Pilot Primacy. pun around nine hundred plus sebiji..... tapi  abah pula  x berkenan coz made in thailand... yang ori skrg made in france... so kalu bleh nk same, france jgk... mmg ssh nak cari yang camtu... coz actuly the car was assembled in germany, so assuming the nearest michelin factory kat france, dats y la now using made in france punye....zzzz

At last,... we found a good place... boss kedai tayar tu kenalan parents i, n was a neighbour to my grandma last time...  so leh la dpt murah skit.... Michelin Pilot Primacy, exactly da same size, and made in france.. about 8 hundred plus kene order pula...   ada offer Michelin skrg... dpt floormat lg,... n water bottle... so kira2, about 3300 kalu tuka all 4 tyres... if honda jazz,. 700 je bole tuka all 4... thats the price difference btwn normal tyres, and run-flat tyres....

yang bagusnye run-flat tyres ni,... if ade tayar pancit ke,.. kte xyah susah2, peluh2 nak tuka tayar... coz it can still run... as long as below 80km/h la.. but not too far of coz. about 120km bole lg... then, the weight of a spare tyre can be eliminated, coz those type of cars doesnt carry spare tyres...Thus, more boot space....  pastu pulak,.. kalau yang tayar biasa, yes, ade spare tyre,.. but only 1 spare. mcm mana kalu 2,3 or 4 tayar yang pancit dlm satu masa?... haaaaa.. jawab!?~ Those are the points for having such RSC technology (Runflat System Component)...  of cause its costly, but with good reason and benefit for it. Pay more for less work?.... but not all cars can use this type of tyres... bmw has specially design the suspension to adapt to rough road surfaces, and when the tyres are flat.   

So still have to wait a few days for them to order the new tyres we require..... zzzzzz.

Dats all for this time.... 

Friday, May 15, 2009

Once a Bimmer, Always a Bimmer ~~ ;-)

BMW 320i E90

These infos are from various websites...  just for my reference... so that i don't have to search again and again.....

General Information

Model: BMW 320i
Year: 2005

Category: Midsize family cars


Engine size: 1995 ccm (121.61 cubic inches)
Fuel type: Gasoline, unleaded 95
Fuel city driving: 10.7 litres/100 km (21.98 miles per gallon)
Fuel mixed driving: 9.0 litres/100 km (26.14 miles per gallon)
Fuel highway driving: 5.6 litres/100 km (42.00 miles per gallon)
Transmission: 6-speed automatic or 6-speed manual
Engine location: Front, longitudinal
Engine type: Inline, 4 cylinder
Max power: 150.00 PS (110 kW or 148 HP) at 6200 Rev. per min.
Max torque: 200.00 Nm (20.4 kgf-m or 147.5 ft.lbs) at 3600 Rev. per min.
Compression: 10.5:1
Bore x stroke: 84.0 x 90.0 mm (3.3 x 3.5 inches)
Fuel system: Injection
Valves per cylinder: 4
Fuel control: Double overhead cam (DOHC)
Gearbox: 6-speed automatic or 6-speed manual

Speed and Acceleration

Top speed: 220.0 km/h (136.7 mph)
0-100 km/h (0-62 mph): 9.0 seconds
Power/weight ratio: 0.1075 PS/kg
Exterior and interior
Chassis type: Sedan/saloon
Max no. of doors: 4
Passenger space: 4870 litres (1,287 gallons)
Cargo space: 460 litres (122 gallons)

Optional cargo space: 1345 litres (355 gallons)

Steering, Brakes and Tires

Brake details: ABS  Antiblocking system (ABS).
Front tire dimensions: 205/55-R16
Rear tire dimensions: 205/55-R16
Front suspension: Wishbone
Rear suspension: Mulitlink

Dimensions and Weight

Weight: ~1395 kg (3,075.4 pounds)
Max weight with load: 1840 kg (4,056.5 pounds)
Towing weight: 1400 kg (3,086.5 pounds)
Overall length: 4480 mm (176.4 inches)
Overall width: 1750 mm (68.9 inches)
Overall height: 1420 mm (55.9 inches)
Wheelbase: 2730 mm (107.5 inches)

Fuel capacity: 60.0 litres (15.85 gallons)

Seats: 5
Drive: Rear wheels

Airbags: 6. Front airbags. Side airbags.

CO2 emissions: 178.0 g/km

Monday, May 04, 2009

Last Day @ Bandung

3rd April 09~~ Friday...

The last day.... nothing much,... no shopping... just packed my stuff that morning... then waited for the taxi to pick me up... it cost me around 130k for the taxi service..from Jatinangor to Husein Sastranegara Airport, Bandung.  My flight was scheduled at 1525. but i arrived at the airport damn early... kul 1 dah sampai... waited for quite long.... lepak2 at Airasia punye office.. i Bought a local newspaper,.. as a souvenir..hehe..  

After checking in my luggage,... ade la te-te yang sweet bantu untuk ke counter mane yg msti dilawati.... tp i x pegi pun kaunter tu... spatutnye i kene pg bayar airport tax... but i assumed ive paid it when i bought my tiket earlier.... bile da sampai kat kastam, da cop passport, kene scan my backpack, and myself... huhu... then pak security ni tahan, kata i xde resit airport tax... huhu... pulak tu,.. my beg kene tahan ...zzzz katanye ade byk botol perfume.. so diminta check la... i pn kene la keluarkan botol2 minyak wangi.. ingtkan  pak seciruty tu nak check ori ke x ori... haha.. rupenye die check brapa mililiter,  and i kene declare ape liquid yang i bawa to board the plane... huhu.. then,.. kene balik ke counter untuk settle 75k rupiah airport tax... huhu....  then scan again, baru la allowed to the waiting section... 

Flight was ok.... stewardess cun... org indon tu... hehe:D  ..... then the problem came.. perutku mula memulas.... ape hal la pulak ni.... tp bukan nak pg toilet... just rasa sakit... i x mkn lunch... so, terpaksa la beli somthing to eat during flight. Ate megi cup... xtau brand ape... indon punye... zzz 

Arrived LCCT about 2 hours later...

The end of my long, interesting, happy, adventurous,  vacation. ;) ~~

To sponsors, new and old  friends, and those involved making it a reality,... A million thanks :D

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

6th Day @ Bandung

2nd April 09~~ Thursday.

My sixth day on foreign land... amazingly, while im there those few days, every morning bole pulak bangun pagi.. hehe.   rasa mcm awal je bgn.... 

Today,... i x pg bandung town.. earlier, we planned to shop once again kat FOs at Jalan Riau... cam best la kat situ compared to FOs at Jalan Dago... huhu. but it happened to be, on that day mera kene pg univ die... amik result.... So i started thinking about my results too at that time....mine will probably come out the  coming monday...[thank God, Alhamdulillah it happen to be good:D ]

So, we had to cancel all plans to shop at Jln Riau.... huhu.zzz.. that morning.. i tried to get around town myself by taking angkut to Jatos... they call it Jatinangor Town Square.. Jalan sorang2 je that morning... The 2nd time there... Round2 je kat situ... nothin much, but okey,.. not bad.. theres cinema, n arcade games section.... some perfume stalls, pirated CDs stalls... and supermarket... 

I bought some groceries... hahaha... cost me bout 80k for a full bucket of stuff. beli mcm2 jgk la... few boxes of tea, coffee, few packets of sweets, some drinks, chocolate,.... n benda2 merepek je...zzzz.. all those yang xde kat msia....

Then,... that afternoon,... mera pn datang temankn jalan2... dis time,... she brought me to her uni... ;)   kami jalan ke sana... dekat je ngn Jatos..

The most interesting part on that day was, i tried macam2 kuih orang sane...hehe... lets share!!~~ ;)

Pic on the left,.. kuih Pukis..

Dont know how to describe... huhu


Then we bought Batagor .... one of the popular local fritters....  --Right >




(Left).. This is Awug.... nmpk mcm kuih apam skit... brown & white color...




Then,.... Cimol.... (right pic)... mcm fish ball jer.. tp tepung.. pedas2 skit..

fish ball lg cedap.. hehe..

All of these.. they taste weird... anyway, was a good experience.... we never have these stuff in malaysia....  

Both of us beli macam2... then we brought it back to Jatos, ate it together... ;) x habis pn.... huhu...zzzzzz..x cedap...:(

after that, we all balk la.... mera balik umah,.. n i balik naik angkut sendiri...hehe... da reti naik angkut da stakat hari tu... mera ajar... thanx!!~:D hehe..

That night, we met at Jatos, again.zzz... this time, Zakiah Salwa ikut sama... we finally get to meet each other after some time kte kenal tp x penah jmpe ..huhu .... we all lama giler cari CD movie.. i bought some.....

Left pic, me and Awa.... ;)

then 3 of us had dinner at KFC.. ;) a little bit different from what we have in malaysia.... YAKINIKU.!!~ haha... nk tgk yakiniku cmne?... haa... gini... yang makan dgn nasi tu... 

 Then we all lepak2 kat OhLaLa coffee..;) awa nk guna internet...  gile letih that nite.... i couldnt tahan anymore, so we went back not long after.... naik angkut.......;)