Ni nak cite bunny2 yang pernah bela... since da first, till the current...
Masa mula bela rabbit, i started with the normal local mixbreed ... typical white rabbit with red eyes...some with grey eyes... easily available at pet shops...
i started with 3 of them. no name. just to expose myself to taking care for rabbits. mase dapat awal2, they were about 2 months plus... midsized. not fully grown yet... some people are confused with this breed as they thought these are New Zealand White. but actualy, they're not. yang ini just baka local mixbreed. usually people rare this for the meat... tp masa bela 3 ekor ni, xde la sembelih 'mereka' ni... cian plak.. huhu..
pastu da rs okey, ade pgalaman sikit2 nk bela rabbit, nak cuba pula tukar baka lain....
Tapi,... before that i had to let go those 3 yang ade.. .. coz xmo byk2.. nti lg byk keje,... i just wanted only 1 or mayb just a pair... i found sombody who wanted to have those 3 bunnies... then i sold it away...
After few days,.. i bought a new bunny... beli kat Ikano Pet Safari. Toby Pet.
at first, i thought of getting a Dwart Hotot. tapi mase tu xde lg.. susah nk jumpe... kat Beh&Yo pun blom ade stock.. so i decided to buy at Ikano... The eyes were black, and has a black eye band, ears totally black. very well furred, no other black spots on the body... he was adorable.. sgt comel... ni la 1st rabbit beli mase kecik,... n dpt lihat progress die membesar mcm mane...
Nama die ni Otto... dinamakan sempena ciri2 Hotot [oh-to] yang ade pada die.. Ciri2 Hotot ni, ada eyeband warna hitam kat keliling mata rabbit tu, n badan semua warna putih tanpa ade calit2 atau tompok2 hitam... tapi ni bukan actually Hotot, becoz telinga nye hitam...
So die ni dikira baka Anggora, with Hotot features... i assume and consider it as a mixbreed also..
Sgt comel, n manja.. suke disuap,... suke panjat kat org.. n berani... pastu slalu nmpk die ni binky.. happy sgt die ni bile org teman die mamam.... x notty... toilet trained, very well behaved... 1 thing that i wont forget bout him, is die ni pandai balik sangkar die sendiri bile da waktu maghrib... kdg2, petang, mmg saje bagi die ni kluar main2 kat garden,.. pastu hari dah gelap,.. die akn masuk balik rumah die tanpa disuruh.. n smpi la malam, die xkn keluar lagi wlupn pintu sangkar die terbuka luas... baik btol Ottto ni... hehe;)
After few months having Otto, i bought a new bunny.. at first, beli bunny tu untuk my fren, Luqman.. tp belom sempat nk deliver kat die,... me n my sis da suka plak kat bunny baru ni... so after discussing with my fren, he was willing to trade the bunnies.
So, i had to let Otto go...luqman was happy having Otto. and the new bunny, named Jebit (klaka kn name ni... hehe~~).. stayed with me... Jebit was about a month when i took him back..
very cute, very fluffy... kinda scared for the first few weeks. but then, he became very friendly.... n nottty.. hehe
bela dari kecil,.. sampai die ni besar, n matang...
Bile die da besar, bulunye sgt2 lebat.... best bile belai2 die ni....
tp sbb bulunye lebat sgt,.. jd mcm penyapu da... slalu byk habuk2 n rumput2 kering yang lekat kat die,,, huhu.. tu satu hal.. slalu nk kena sikatkn Jebit ni... He is actuly a crossbreed between Angora and Lionhead... the special thing bout Jebit is that bulu kat kadan die... ade few very aligned brown tones kat body, and then, kat bawah badan die, n kat kaki skit, bulu putih.. macam kucing..
die ni pun suke disuap... suke panjat2 kaki, minta makanan..... somtimes bile bagi die kluar main2, die suke nk cari jalan escape dari playpen die... notty!!~~.. huhu.. bile die da dewasa, bdn die besar..... somtimes i do miss Jebit. 1 of the rabbit yang plg rapat penah i ade... tp tu la,.. mslhnye die ni perlukan lebih attention, lagi2 pd bulunye yg slalu kene sikat.... at some point, i decide to get more serius in having a pet rabbit... i nak cari yang purebreed.... possibly a Holland Lop or Netherland Dwarf...
I sold Jebit to sombody.... Went to Beh&Yo to look for a Holland Lop at first... but then, attracted to the Netherland Dwarfs... no HL was available at that i was thinking why not try the dwarf type. ND.
so i bought one.... Until now, i still have him... named him Bubu..:D y?.. because the color is actually blue... so instead of calling Blublu, i named him Bubu... Bubu ni la rabbit yang paling sombong, unfriendly n mahal yg penah i ada... huhu... but i love Bubu ni.. die kuat mrajuk... slalu 'mahu tapi malu' punye gaya la...
awal2 dulu, mmg ssh nk bermesra dgn bubu ni... tp lama kelamaan, die okey je... sgt takut dgn org... xtau la mayb dr kck die penah kene abuse ke.. tahla.. mase beli die ni, da umur 5 bulan, da dewasa,.. saiznye tetap kecik cmtu.. dats y its a dwarf breed... this is the 1st purebreed rabbit yg penah i ade... getting more serius now.. haha...
here are some info of Bubu-bucuk~~...:
Father: (Chocolate Otter) - Show buck (Chocolate Otter X Broken Blue)
Mother: (Black) - Breeding doe (Chocolate Otter X Black Otter)
DOB: 8 Nov 2008
Bubu ni baik sbnrnye... cume die terlalu berhati2,.. n takut2... die suke org usap2 pipi die,.. sampai die geli.. pastu telinga die akan 'toiiiingg' naik menegak... tgn die plak naik malu2 kucing gitu.. hehehe....
N antara suma2 rabbit penah ada, Bubu la paling senang nak jaga, paling tidak perlu bersihkan sangkar selalu, paling jimat bekalan makanan, n paling special penah ade... :D n paling caaaaaayang Bubu ni... hehe~~
I plan to keep, n take good care of Bubu for a long time... and hopefully, to find him a 'beautiful girlfriend' to live happily and have babies.. haha^^ masih dalam perancangan... hope dapat biakkn purebreed Netherland Dwarf...
hai bubu...hehe
ReplyDeletehello tuan punye bubu...nk cari gf tuk bubu jgn lupe ajak i.haha
"Hai Atilia" [Bubu waving hai to atilia..] hehe~~
ReplyDeleteliacharlotte nk pg rabbit farm ke?.. jommm!!~~ ;)
otto lagi comel...
ReplyDeletenak otto...
otto da besar kurang comel... huhu... now otto da mati... luqman kata mulut die kene somthin... huhu...
ReplyDeleteotto dh mati? syngnyer.. i xtau pulak bubu u tu malu tp mahu.. mcm ne tu ? hehehehehe
ReplyDeletemayb otto ade gigit2 bnda yang beracun,.. yg akhirnye membawa padah pdnye... huhu
ReplyDeletebubu ni die suka carrot... die nk mkn, tp malu2 lak... nk kte pujuk die dlu,... usap2 die dlu bru la okey... hehe. kdg2 tu... bile da start kunyah, haaa... mmg die xnk stop.. asik nk carrot lg... tp xle bg byk2... huhu